Winning with High-Stakes Prep Sessions

100% Issue-Specific Learning

Every teaching example, coaching comment and line of questioning will deal directly with the substance of your organization's most pressing issues. We are able to do this because we invest 40-50 hours in on-site research and off-site write-up so our team is able to test participants with the real issues you are up against. All research is treated confidentially.

All Action – No Lectures

In today's leaner approach to business, it is doubtful that your people will sit still for long lectures on communication theory. That's why we take the opposite approach: our sessions involve hands-on learning, on-camera performance, and team problem-solving. We will put your people to work immediately. Within an hour of start-up, your people will face a well informed aggressive questioner — on video. In addition, our intense “do, review, re-do” approach accelerates learning.

Communication Models for Risk Situations

Our proprietary Question & Answer System and presentation formats have successfully passed numerous real-life tests in regulatory hearings/meetings (FDA, EPA, NRC, utility commissions), major crises, civil litigation, Congressional investigations, legislative briefings, antagonistic public meetings, news interviews, high-stakes briefings, contract "orals," local/state government forums, and interactions with concerned employees. The models are designed to build credibility by enabling participants to respond directly to troublesome issues, while at the same time establishing a positive position. Our approaches are cooperative and non-adversarial in nature.

Unrivaled Experience

For more than 35 years, CCA has worked extensively with corporations in the United States, Europe, South America, and Canada which deal with high-stakes consequences involving crises, media inquiries, investigations, litigation, drug approval, contract "orals," and public concerns. Our approach is to know our clients' issues as well as they do — to learn their regulatory environments, technologies and practices, and their critic's viewpoints. CCA clients include pharmaceutical, U.S. weapons complex, petrochemical, national labs, environmental cleanup, nuclear waste, utility, manufacturing, and technology companies.

Applicable to Day-to-Day Business

Graduates of CCA's labs keep skills fresh for the long term because they also use them in day-to-day business. In short, CCA communication methods are a cooperative, non-adversarial way to persuade, defend, and win – valuable in daily business as well as high-risk communication venues. This provides a distinct advantage: when faced with a major communication issue, your team will have a commonly-shared set of tools with which to solve the problem.


E-mail or call for more details, 972.713.7474

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