Event-Driven Preparation

Congressional investigation? Contentious stockholders meeting? High level regulatory briefing? Is there an extraordinary event looming on the near-horizon which could forever impact your company?

There are no “one-size-fits-all” solutions to your challenge. Our advice is never given without seeking out the uniqueness of the situation. We begin by delving into the issues from many sides: technical, political, legal, business operations and plans, and reputation. We then work with you to quickly explore various scenarios.

The focus of our work is to prepare your team for the most likely scenario, while working for the most desirable outcome. Some of the preparation activities involve: message construction, issue resolution, skill in answering tough questions under fire, individualized coaching, and mock events.

Our team does not provide generic coaching or generalized case studies. Whether it’s one executive or a small group of key personnel who will be delivering bad news or answering tough questions, CCA is the team you want on your side. From strategic counsel and plan development to guidance and preparation, we move quickly and expertly to integrate with you and your support team.

Through in-depth research interviews, we will be grounded in knowledge of your issues, the volatile climate in which you will be immersed, what’s behind the questions, and the company’s future. With non-spin approaches, our team will be focused on protecting and enhancing your credibility throughout the ordeal facing you.

Our clients are scientific, financial, or complex by nature. We have been preparing teams for high-risk communication and high-stakes opportunities since 1975.

Level of effort will depend on the risk and complexity of each situation.

E-mail or call for more details, 972.713.7474

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