Company Profile
Highlights of Client Work

trategy: developed communication strategy for major law firms, pharmaceutical, high-tech, telecommunications, chemical, waste management, oil, and other multinational companies.

earings and Trials: prepared witnesses for cross-examination in more than 250 separate federal and state hearings, and civil cases.

ew drug approvals: readied pharmaceutical teams to win FDA marketing approval for more than 60 drugs.

edia interactions: through media labs, equipped executives and technical personnel for literally hundreds of national, regional, and local media interviews, including CNBC, “60 Minutes,” and “20/20.”

overnment orals: helped contractors win complex procurements totaling $26b so far.

rises: trained representatives of global companies in crisis communications skills. CCA provides 24/7 crisis response.

ontroversy: since 1975, CCA has helped clients communicate controversial issues to communities, the media, regulators, boards, juries, and Congress.


More about CCA


E-mail or call for more details, 972.713.7474

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